Launch of John Campbell Open Studio Session Videos
Lead Artists:
John Campbell
Event Location
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Event Date and Time
Wednesday, March 08, 2023
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
As promised, multiPLAY artist John Campbell has released his series of seven open studio videos created across the multiPLAY project. Due to the pandemic, he was unable to host all of the open studio visits in person initially planned, so we are delighted he has instead shared his working practices in this unique video series. In addition to these videos, John hosted in-person visits to his studio at Creative City Centre for the public and team, and did visits to the University of Regina Interdisciplinary Masters of Fine Arts program to support students working in Interactive Audio. He also conducted experiments live streaming many of our events in 360 degree footage, testing the capacity for live, unedited 360 broadcast with spatialized sound and interactive viewing.
The series shares tips and tricks for the creation of digital art, kinetic sculpture, and 360-degree live streaming, and takes audiences into the studio using 360-degree camera view.
See the videos here: