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So Near And Yet So Far

Lead Artists:


The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished (Astonished!),The VOICE Lab (Vocally Oriented Creative Expression Lab) at the University of Regina, with artistic collaborations from visiting artists

Helen Pridmore is exploring the possibilities of digital technologies to share and connect in new ways. Her work with MultiPLAY includes livestreamed concerts and workshops of improvised music, and ongoing sound collaboration with young people in the The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished, an inclusive community where young adults with complex physical disAbilities can name their dreams, explore their strengths, and lead others to a more authentically inclusive society. People with complex physical disabilities live in communities geared towards the able-bodied — the same world, but so remote in terms of accessibility. Yet we are all so close to one another in our wishes to create and to be expressive. Helen Pridmore and members of the Astonished! troupe (Regina, SK) aim to perform together, bridging gaps of distance and expressive freedom by communicating through improvisation. They present structured improvisations in sound, developed with the technology of our brains, voices, and a few electronic enhancements. Helen has also been experimenting with new technologies for sharing scores and imagery, with students and with other artists across Canada. Her work will be expanding from the Astonished! troupe to include projects with Deaf and hard of hearing participants, as well as elderly people living with dementia.

Find out when you can join in a So Near And Yet So Far event!
