Campbell uses new technologies to make kinetic sculptures respond to facial recognition, sensing how happy, sad, angry etc. your facial expression is, and then moving in strange and unpredictable ways. He wants to question how Artificial Intelligence perceives human emotion. He is also interested in the possibilities of online artistic streaming. He is creating public workshops at his studio at the Creative City Centre in Regina and other spaces, where anyone can come and make their own sculptures and artworks using his systems. His own work is also be exhibited at some of the connected collective exhibitions in Saskatchewan and Ontario. He is also the lead on the wider multiPLAY project experimentation with 360-degree video, ambisonic sound, and VR (multiPLAY collective). He is also developing our new web app.
For this sub-project Campbell created open studios where he shared his working methods in kinetic sculpture and online audiovisual experimentation with the public. Due to the pandemic, most of these had to be online, and the final videos are going to be released as a set to allow the multiPLAY project to continue to inspire new artists and the general public to explore the possibilities of new media art for themselves. Click here to access the 360-degree videos by John.